Shadorne fumbled the ball.
Nah - you just imagined it - wishful thinking - the "placebo" effect!
Admit it - you treated the ball with Rain-X so you expected me to drop it! ;-)
we are assembling a very interesting case study for objectivist behavior.
You are obviously referring to me but I would counter by the simple observation that I am one of hundreds of millions of people around the world who would not dream of doing what you suggest unless it was to fix a badly scratched CD that nolonger played properly. Therefore I am actually pretty dull & boring sitting and sharing similar views to the vast majority of CD listeners (who don't polish their CD collection with Rain-X or mark them with green markers).
You however are the "very interesting case study for objectivist behavior"...sitting somewhere way off the end of the bell curve ;-)
More seriously, this banter has been a fun diversion and I am glad the gibes were kept civil & polite. I really don't have much more I can add or share on this matter. I feel certain we are connected through our enjoyment of music and a pursuit of our own respective ideals in audio reproduction equipment even if we don't see eye to eye on Rain-X or what defines excellent equipment (robust vs resolving).