Integrated Question

I currently have Totem Forest Signatures powered by ModWright KWH 225i. I have rolled a total of three different tubes (stock JJ, Holland, Seimans), and have found the bass to be less impactful than desired. It seems to be all there, just laid back? I am considering a change in integrated.

Looking at Pass INT-250, Luxman 509z, Accuphase E-4000, and Boulder 866. Any one with experience with the above combinations? Am I heading in the right direction?

non-treated room (unable to address at this time)

Ayon S10 II / ModWright KWH 225i / Totem Forest Sig / REL S510 pr / Shunyata D6 - Delta v2 pc’s / Morrow Elite sc-interconnects (auditioning Fractal F1 next week)






I am completely with you on how vital the room is in ANY setup. It is amazing the majority of rooms I’ve heard have very little attention paid to the acoustics of the room 

Don't spend a penny on new equipment or cables until you have verified your set up is not the problem. 

It could be as simple as the speakers, subs, or your listening seat are in a null. It could be that there are phase issues between the mains and subs creating a cancellation. 

Try turning the subs off and listening to just the mains. Does the problem persist or is it reduced? Try moving the mains both forward and listen, then back and then listen. 

Try playing the subs only, and see if the problem persists. Try moving the subs out to about halfway down the side walls. 

Try moving your listening seat forward or back in the room, both with and without the subs. How does the bass quantity and quality change? 

There are too many things that can be tried for free to diagnose what is going on. Randomly buying cables and components is more likely to result in a lot of money being spent and still not getting good results. Your components should have more than satisfactory bass quantity and quality when properly positioned and set up in the room.

Post removed 

Sorry Tony eyes aren't great after a stroke a few years ago ears are fine and the coda is amazing