Bacch Dsp, True stereo?

The latest gimmick seems to be eliminating cross talk as a way to achieve true stereo.

Seems very expensive and works with any speaker.

Another layer of complexity.

Anyone have an opinion on this new fad? Seems a bit neurotic to me


And quite frankly no one else seems to be terribly excited about it.

And then I read about a headset you’ve got to wear so the System can find you in the room. That’s some crazy stuff

I can’t even. Shades of kenjit.  Peace out.


You make a good point.  However, "where there is a WILL there is a WAY" ...a lifelong motto!  I found and nurtured a skilled, trusted Tech 3000 miles from me who remotes into my PC, setting up the necessary ingredients.  Over the years, Mike has become an intimate friend and we collaborate well, including tiny adjustments of DSP to 1/100ths of a decibel.  For Purists, any harm done with expertly applied DSP is miniscule in light of the improvements.  

A Member reached out who had difficulty finding the BACCH Plug-In.  It appears that the 15% discount is still current:

u-BACCH Audio Plug-In – BACCH Labs

More Peace       (bold print for old eyes)      Pin

Very confusing why the plug-in is available on one site but not the main site for all the other products.


@emergingsoul you don't have to wear a headset and the interface is actually quite easy... Especially considering Edgar himself walks you through everything the first day and gives unlimited customer support.


Most people never have to touch it after the first calibration other than if you use it for volume control.


If you don't understand what crosstalk is, then that's another matter.  It's been understood well back into the 1960s and others have tried to address is, but the technology, resources, and research Edgar/Princeton brings to the equation is unprecedented.... Hence the superior results.


In short, crosstalk is what your right ear hears from your left speaker and vice versa. It's not complicated in the least.  I understand it may be foreign to you, and thus the tendency is to think it's a gimmick, but you will only be kicking yourself later when you realize how easy it is to understand and implement with products available at different budget ranges.

Cross talk cross talk cross talk,  Marsha Marsha Marsha.

Maybe this is a big deal, especially with integrated amplifiers with the cesspool of electronic activity that goes on. That's a very crowded room inside there.

But what about when you keep things separate, like monos, line stage pre and biamping, etc.  Doesnt the quality of your system impact cross talk? Doesn't the quality of the recording impact cross talk. There is a lot of inherent Crosstalking during recording going on that you can't get rid of.  And then there is are acoustical treatments where the pressure amplitudes scatter things to improve spaciousness and clarity, as well as eliminating reverberations. And I'm still trying to figure why so many die hard audio enthusiasts don't extend bass traps all the way up to the ceiling in the corners. 

The easier you make it for people to spend money for good things, everything else takes care of itself. And now it's time to buy more stuff from Amazon, eventually people will get less enthusiastic of this novelty - it's not as much fun as it used to be. I liked the waiting period, it's part of the journey and ending it too quickly spoils some of the anticipatory fun. And I have no idea what this has to do with Crosstalk at this point.