The Fritz Carbon 7s would be an excellent choice, for way less than 4k. Fritz is a great guy to talk to as well.
I think Jl35 is right to wonder if you should consider more amp, if you are willing to go 4k on speakers. You might well be able to detectably best the NAD.
So you might think about how to allocate your budget. (eg, the Carbon 7s and a used Cronus Magnum -- to pick an amp at random -- come in at under 4 combined). I seem to swap out speakers much more frequently than my amps, so I might put more into the juice.
I think Jl35 is right to wonder if you should consider more amp, if you are willing to go 4k on speakers. You might well be able to detectably best the NAD.
So you might think about how to allocate your budget. (eg, the Carbon 7s and a used Cronus Magnum -- to pick an amp at random -- come in at under 4 combined). I seem to swap out speakers much more frequently than my amps, so I might put more into the juice.