If you were serious about sound you would...

If your audiophile quest is to get the best sound then buy the best equipment used to make the recordings originally. One of the few things nearly every audiophile agrees about is that you can't make the signal better than the original. So:

Solid State Logic 2 channels preamp 5k$
Meyer Sound Bluehorn powered speakers 2x 140K$
Pro Tools MTRX system 10k$
Mac Studio Computer 8k$
Total about 170k$ 
How is it possible to get better sound than the best recording studio gear? 



@coralkong , are you really sure? studios use standing speakers far more often than your stereotypical assumptions. 

There is no "perfection" in sound... There is optimums levels for some specific acoustic factors in some specific physical and neurological conditions .... "Perfection of sound is a marketing myth sales pitch AT THE END ... Because each brain/ears is a specific "imperfect" toys/tools at the same time , the only one toy/tool we had and acoustics/psycho-acoustics do not distinguish between toys or tools...

Acoustic law apply for a toy room and for tool room the same with sometimes better result in the toy room than in some tool room or the reverse...



There are tools and they are toys. Toys are for consumers and tools are for professionals. That is the difference. Perfection in sound can be from both toys and tools.

@czarivey , yep. Pretty sure.

In another life, I did some recording work in a couple of different studios with a couple of different bands I was in.

While not on the level as say...Abbey Road Studios (which last I heard used stacks and stacks of Classe equipment), every single mix was done on studio monitors (a couple of different brands and types, actually). These were performed by paid engineers.

So yeah....pretty sure.




@donavabdear based upon your equipment choices I don't think you have a solid understanding of the recording process.  The key to great sounding recordings are the microphones and the talent of the engineers.  You can make great recordings without state of the art electronics, rooms and monitors.  They can all be compensated for by the engineer.

You can make great recordings without state of the art electronics, rooms and monitors.  They can all be compensated for by the engineer.

@onhwy61 Or, indeed (works a lot better) by quality of musician. A good musician will start and finish a track without an interruption. Some studios have backing silled musicians that can outdo any celebrity you can think of and correct if those mishap on flight.