As probably has been said on here already, everyone enjoys some type of music, but not everyone "hears" it the same way. Basically, IMO, it comes down to an emotional connection to parts of a song that each listener relates to differently on an emotional level. Could be a certain instrument, a certain note, certain lyrics, combination of each, etc...?
My wife and myself are completely different. She would be just as happy (and has told me this) listening to a clock radio alarm clock! In fact, here's an example, the other day she told me that she DOES notice a difference of sound between my (I mean OUR...excuse me) $6,000 audio system, and my son's $20 clock/CD radio, but didn't say it was better, just different. I just shook my head. She told me that I "hear" different things in the music, that my ears must be better? I said, I don't think that's it at all, I think it's an appreciation for music on a deeper lever -- I don't recommend this comment, BTW!
I have noticed over the years that she tends to relate to the lyrics more than the instruments, where I am the exact opposite.
Anyways...everyone's different!