SNAKE OIL! A new TV Show hosted by David Spade

Maybe we will finally get to answer the age old question if cables are snake oil! Fox is producing a new TV show on Wednesday nights called “ Snake Oil” hosted by David Spade. I’m not sure what the details are but I’m going to send a message to the producers letting them know about our dilemma. Maybe will finally get to know.

I met a fellow member on here who is a writer in the television industry. He wouldn’t tell me what shows he worked on but if you are out there and you know somebody over at Fox please send them a note and some cables! L O L

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Tortured myself by watching the show for five minutes, it's absolutely horrible. Somehow being employed by Saturday Night Live is supposed to make you entertaining. It's quite a bit of thin Goodwill.


At least with audio deceptiveness is better hidden and not as easy to see And understand

"snake oil" expression  had an interesting etymological history...Knowing where it come from and means guide us in deep waters ...


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