SNAKE OIL! A new TV Show hosted by David Spade

Maybe we will finally get to answer the age old question if cables are snake oil! Fox is producing a new TV show on Wednesday nights called “ Snake Oil” hosted by David Spade. I’m not sure what the details are but I’m going to send a message to the producers letting them know about our dilemma. Maybe will finally get to know.

I met a fellow member on here who is a writer in the television industry. He wouldn’t tell me what shows he worked on but if you are out there and you know somebody over at Fox please send them a note and some cables! L O L

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Well guys it didn’t turn out to be the show I had hoped for. I watched a few minutes of it and it is truly awful. Unfortunately I think that we all are dumber for reading this post that I created. I do think though that they could use cables as an example for a product on the show. If they had somebody on there who said that “ hi, I’m Bob and I invented Bob’s audio cables. These two wires are worth $5000 and make your stereo sound wonderful. Do you think that my business is real or fake?” I would venture that 80% of the voting public would say that that was fake.

Faux will tell you that Everything You Know Is Wrong.....

....then get lawsuited for the last nickel they're going to have when 'Everyone Else' is done with them....

I can see it already....

"Cable Lifters?!  What?!  Why not some nice cheesycloth, dyed to taste, suspended by  clotheslines with springs at the ends?

Sillyphiles, lifters are for shoes...."

(...and we already know Who likes them....*LOL*)

There are some people who are literally too stupid to have an intelligent conversation without letting their biased politics enter the discussion.   It’s a sign of being a simpleton in everything they do.   They don’t Have the mental capacity to understand that there are shades of grey in everything.   To a simpleton - it’s like reverting to their early childhood when everything to a child is black or white, or “I want this”. …  and if they don’t get what they want they start to cry.    
     The only solution is to treat people like this as the infants they are.