Audio Research Ref: CD8

I understand from speaking to Audio Research there is a CD8 now. CD8 has an upgraded power supply and DAC from the CD7. I have my CD7 at ARC for the power supply upgrade now.

Does anyone know more about the CD8?
Does this mean the CD7 is being discontinued? The CD7 has a "Reference" designation so it doesn't seem the CD7 and CD8 can coexist. What is the price
of the CD8?
I guess four years ago ARC hadn't figured out that a larger power supply would make a "rather large sonic improvement".
(insert Sam Kinneson scream here)
Dweller nailed it. I've owned alot of ARC gear, including the latest reference stuff...I'm not hostile, just having flashbacks from all of the MK's I went through in the 90's:)
Probably feel the need to match up with WPs numberings 7-8-? to stay in the game.. =)
How much does the power supply upgrade cost? Also, did ARC say if the majority of the improvement of the CD8 will be due to the power supply or DAC?