Why Don't More People Love Audio?

Can anyone explain why high end audio seems to be forever stuck as a cottage industry? Why do my rich friends who absolutely have to have the BEST of everything and wouldn't be caught dead without expensive clothes, watch, car, home, furniture etc. settle for cheap mass produced components stuck away in a closet somewhere? I can hardly afford to go out to dinner, but I wouldn't dream of spending any less on audio or music.
one can enjoy music without being an audiophile or having an interest in equipment.

a larger percentage of the population enjoy music than the the pursuit of "audio" as a hobby.

the question is why?

probably something obvious like other priorities and interests are more compelling.

the idiosyncracies of invidual preferences are sometimes beyond explanation .
I have a slightly different take on this whole subject -- and I'd be interested in your thoughts. I do agree w/ Tennis and others that
a larger percentage of the population enjoy music than the the pursuit of "audio" as a hobby.
However, I'm stuck on what exactly Tennis (and others) mean by "audio" in this instance. For me at least, it all started (way back in the mid-fifties -- my Dad's hobby of course ;--) and what excited me then, as now, was -- not the music itself (don't get me wrong, I love music, and have my personal interests) -- but the sonic thrill of performance; or an acceptable (to me) facsimile of a real performance ;--)

That's what attracted me most about "audio" in the beginning, and it still does today. I call it "sonic stimulation". There are probably thousands of powerful stimuli to which we humans are drawn, and creating an illusion using sound (as opposed to "listening to music") is just one of them. I think that explains why so many people can thoroughly enjoy music without needing the stimulation of a "re-created realism" which a good audio system can provide.

I've been assembling gear/systems since my late teens around 1958. And like most of us, changed and changed and changed everything! Over and over! But eventually, got to the point (about twenty years ago) where I achieved the kind of realistic reproduced performance that I found convincing enough to "sonically stimulate" me ;--)) every time I used my system -- and very little ot the hardware has changed since then.
And why don't more people love art? Because they cannot conceive that either can improve their lives. And they refuse to accept that such is possible. They are clods.
I say laziness. After all, we're dealing with a generation whose mentality won't allow them to watch a movie unless it's in color!!
what about all the scientists with their phds and doctors who have no interest in art? they may be busy or have other interest. i think it's a bit harsh to cast aspersions.

regarding what audio means, i consider it the pursuit of equipment for the purpose of creating what one considers sonic excellenece.

such an endeavor may motivate a very small sample of the population.

as i have said, it is a matter of priorities. music may not be as important as some other pursuit.

perhaps there are many who don't ascribe to collecting, wanting to live a simpler existence, not wanting to be tied to things, or having no interest in owning material goods.

perhaps younger people are less materialistic , e.g., conspicuous consumption, than people over 40.