Audio Research Ref: CD8

I understand from speaking to Audio Research there is a CD8 now. CD8 has an upgraded power supply and DAC from the CD7. I have my CD7 at ARC for the power supply upgrade now.

Does anyone know more about the CD8?

This is turning out to be quite a lively and interesting discussion/debate.

My CD7 shipped from ARC last Wednesday, so hopefully I see it mid-end of this week.
I will report on the sonic differences when the unit returns.

The cost of the upgrade/modification was $100. I can't comment nor be quoted to ARC as "the cost", but that was the charge to me.
The mod involves replacing the 2 of the 3 6H30 tubes in the power supply (the ones side by side providing regulation) with a 5881. (5881 is a more "industrial" 6L6).
The 3rd 6H30 in the power supply section remains.

ARC also brought everything in the unit up to spec. ie. My unit turned on by itself when plugged in. (not suppose to do that). They also performed a full lab, and listening test.

I think it was a very good unit before this upgrade/mod. I suspect it will sound better when it returns.

I have had or listened to Krell 505, krell Ref64 with MD10, Rega. The CD7 with regard to high frequency transparency, lack of edge, and midrange detail bettered all of the above.
The Ref64 with MD10, is still in my opinion an incredible combination, wish I did not sell.
But I still think overall for musical enjoyment the CD7 is quite a bit better.
Will the CD8 have any digital inputs, such as USB? Would be a real shame if it didn't.
Wsill, my CD7 also turns on when plugged in....never thought too much about it
since I rarely unplug it. Very curious to read your comments on the update. As
I previously indicated, Leonard at ARC told me the upgrade was more for
stabilizing the regulation than actual sonics. I certainly plan on comparing the
CD7 with the new 8 when it arrives-and breaks in-at my dealer. The Krell Ref10
and MD10, I would also suspect, is still very competitive today, even though the
20i supposedly surpassed it....Ken Kessler felt that was the case when he re-
viewed the latter.
Chadeffect, your fond memories of the Levinson top-of-the-line combo indicates to me that you might be surprised at hearing them today and finding
them to be different from the CD7, but still very competitive. When a component is truly musical and enjoyable, it remains so, even when something else comes along and "betters'' it in some areas. Sometimes in our
pursuit of better, we make lateral moves and wind up going circular and discover a previously discarded piece remains on the same performance level
but just has a different set of pluses and minuses.
When I spoke to Leonard, he did say that this mod was a sonic improvement. I will also be interested to in hearing how so. I suspect the CD7 with the 5881 will run hotter. Though, actually I wish ARC went with a 6550 for regulation. The CD8, and newer Ref3's use a 6550 for regulation. I think I have to wait a few more days for delivery.
It seems ARC is replacing the bypass element of the regulator (2x6h30) with a 5881. Considering they have to fit an adaptor board, the 6550 would not fit as it is a high tube - the 6881 is much shorter.