Pink Floyd Aficionados

So as we progress on our audiophile journey one of the greatest rewards is hearing something new in a recording that we've never heard before; at least it is for me.

I have heard Animals easily a hundred times since it's release.

This has to do with the Sheep track.

I placed a new to me preamp in the chain recently. In the last 20 seconds there is a ghost vocal that I had never heard. Originally it was 4 notes which were indistinguishable but clearly there. 

Even more recently I upgraded my speakers from Von Schweikert VR4 Jrs to VS VR4 SRMKIII. Now those same notes, while still indistinguishable, have expanded to what seems to be a shepherd faintly directing the flock from a distance.

Has anyone else heard these? I know there are more resolving systems than mine by a wide margin so my question is does it become even more resolved to the point of being able to make out the words?


@audioman58 I have an Aqua La Voce S2. I have two preamps from Belles. One I can hear it and one I can't. 


What is your amplifier , and  Linear Tube Audio 

preamp night and day better , the $20 Alps volume pot in the belles is a Big weak link ,having owned a audio store fore a decade and Audiophile 40+ years 

under the hood I know what quality is ,the LTS preamp has a high quality resistive ladder volume attenuator, and parts quality ,if you use XLR even more so 

for they use top notch Lundahl transformer, and Clsrity best CMR output capacitors 

plus many other things, it’s the best preamp in theunder $6k range ,I would highly recommend and use the 6SN7  tube ,plus uses 12ax7, and 12at7  tubes .

if nothing out worth checking out , another Big Tip they also make Great best of class linear power supply vs anything at 2x the cost ,I have one 12 v on my

Motorola 8702 Modem-Router combo and night and day better streaming 

sonics vs the junk wall wart ,most people overlook this ,and this LPS 

comes with a Great DC power cord to the router most others charge $150 for 

and use a decent Pangea power cord on it ,I even put a Hifi tuning supreme gold 5amp T fuse in it even better still.

i don't hear any human voice saying anything at all in the last 20 seconds. also asked several people with really high end gear to check and they don't hear it either. hmm...