Oppo media control.

My MSB transport is basically an Oppo.    I cannot stream or control cd playback with the Oppo Media control app on my iPad or iPhone.   The MSB remote can control cd play back but streaming Tidal is impossible .  Oppo digital is no more. Does anybody know if a solution?


Yage:   Thank you.   mConmect works well but I think it streams to UMT as in Airplay.    The original OPPO Media control app used UMT as the streaming device.  Also mConnect does not control cd player on UMT like media control 

mConnect uses a different protocol called UPnP / DLNA so it should stream hi-res without a problem. I've used it with my Raspberry Pi and Mac based streamers before and it worked perfectly.


It won't control CD playback, that's true, but at least you can stream Tidal again.

I successfully streamed Tidal on Oppo Sonica Streamer/DAC with MConnect, easy to set up too...