Graham Phantom Elite vs. AS Aquilar

Who has spent time with either--or preferably both--of these two 10-inch arms? They check in around the same price-point and offer many similar features. I'd greatly appreciate feedback on sonics and overall user impressions.

I've been running Grahams for years, so I'm very familiar with their ergonomics. How does the Aquilar stack up? On paper it looks similar in adjustability, but what about in actual use? I'd love to hear from folks with experience.

Thanks in advance.




You forget I use to work in this business. 

I keep telling you it is not theory. It is basic physics. The problem with very simple devices like tonearms any bleeping idiot can design one. Give a bleeping idiot enough money and a good marketing department and the results should not be in question. Now technics is a fine company that has come out with landmark items. We all have specialties and I'm afraid the Japanese are not good at tonearms or loudspeakers. For tonearms you go to the British, Germans, and now eastern Europe has gotten into the act. America is trying but has not got a real winner yet. 

Can anyone hear the difference......Hello......Is there anybody out there?

@rauliruegas ,

Again, it is not theory. The EPA 100 is a beautifully made device like a Nikon Camera. It is just deficient in a few design issues that make it antiquated. There are better tonearms made today even if they do not have the jewel-like finish of the EPA 100. You also have to remember where the eye go, go the ears. It is the way we are wired. No, there will never be a perfect tonearm. The notion, in modern terms, is patently ridiculous. 

@mijostyn  : I posted: " Theory is just that theory and is good   " and I'm not against theory but things are what they are.


"  a few design issues that make it antiquated. "  so what? if what you mount on it performs just fabolous, you need to give a try before your kind of comments about when we are in the most imperfect audio existent world: analog.




You forget I was in the business back then right during the EPA 100s lifetime. around 1980. We had one mounted on a Micro Seiki turntable. A customer traded it in for a Goldmund. He should have kept the Micro Seiki. We put a number of cartridges in it, but the only one I remember for sure is the Koetsu Rosewood. 

@mijostyn  : 1980? so what?  " antiquated "?


What is " antiquated " is your tube amps technology, only saying nothing against it.

