Testing Ethernet switch

If you have bought an "audio" Ethernet switch, don't bother with this thread 

If you question Ethernet switches, here is one test of one brand. 

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Claiming digital audio is just “1’s and 0’s” is a simplistic and naive point of view.  Digital audio has analog components that affect the sound quality.  Thinking you know how IP works is not the same as knowing how it works.  Training is a non-heuristic process used to teach people a specific set of tasks.

And conversely, I have not seen anyone on these forums with the credentials to be subject matter experts on this topic, refute what audiophiles have experienced.

@tonywinga ,

i’m a 30+ year IT professional network engineer with more letters after my name than I can even remember.

It’s irrelevant when it comes to audio. I learned a long time ago that the guy who needs to feel he’s the smartest guy in the room will not be on my team.

No thanks.

IOW, I wouldn’t hire him, lol.


I appreciate you.  

One of the teams I managed was a group of rocket scientists.  So I was definitely not the smartest guy in the room but I had to have a few discussions about emotional maturity now and then to keep HR at bay. They could be a handful but that’s how we keep our country safe.

Haven’t had a blood pressure pill since retiring  



@tvrgeek did not listen to the podcast from a real EE/Audio Engineer regarding the 10 Audio Myths. Geek it's number 3 so you should not nod off.

BTW a lot of here are engineers, MSME. 
