Here's an idea; and you don't have to listen to fish ;--)
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
Here's an idea; and you don't have to listen to fish ;--) . |
let me clarify my position regarding audio equipment as a status symbol. i think that some buy them to "keep up with the jones'"--their fellow wealthy friends and acquantainces. many do not listen to their audio systems and have no interest in listening to them. rather the equipment represents a sizable expenditure comparable to the expenditure of others who may buy boats , expensive cars, or , art. such individuals are not audiophiles and music may not be of interest to them as well. |
I certainly have known audiophiles who were into impressing people with their equipment and its makers. One such physician lived down the street. He and his wife dropped in one day. After listening she said, "Honey, this sounds like music." He said nothing and they left. Later a package of mine was wrongly delivered to his address. I went down to get it. He invited me in to SEE his system. I did and took my package home without one peep of music being played. On the other hand, I just heard a fairly expensive system in a million dollar room. All I can say is that it is the best reproduced music I have ever heard. The speakers were a known brand, but little else is widely known. I really don't know what the issue is here. The original post asks why many want the best of everything save audio gear, but it has evolved to why anyone would want expensive and poor sounding gear. I think the answer to the original question is the competition of other "things," such as golf clubs, cars, private schools and colleges, face lifts, etc., and computer games and other amusements. |
Mhedges... I totally agree with your answer. My sister-in-law who can well afford a nice system has nothing. The last time she was in town she talked about a concert she attended and how much she enjoyed the artist's work. I mentioned I like his older work and put in a CD of one of my favorites. Prior to this she had never heard my system because whenever sheÂd come to town, my wife and her would shop shop shop 24/7. I hit the play button and her face went blank and didnÂt change till the song was over at which point she said I think IÂm going to cry. |