Velodyne DD15 - worth repairing the plate amp?

The amp in my 2008 Velodyne DD15 is dead as a door nail. 

How good is this old marvel compared to today's offerings?

Worth investing another $500 (to have amp repaired, incl roundtrip shipping, tax, etc)? Or just use as passive sub?

How does it compete to modern subs, for example SBS SB-2000 or SB-3000 (both under $1k pre owned)?



rwwear: this is what I actually have 'sitting on the shelf', reserved for my 'resurrection project Infinity Quantum 2'. Goal is to tri amp (feed the 2 coils of the Watkins woofer with class D, low/mid class A/B, high/EMIT with tube or class A) using active crossover, for which I bought (never unpacked!) the MiniDSP 2x4HD. No idea how it works, or how to use it as a low path for the Velodyne. 


WayTooMuchStuff: Will run it as passive with external amp until EBC sends the amp back. Put the back plate on, need to seal up (silicone) the speaker cable pass through hole. Then get the Class D amp and plug it in, see what happens. 

The mini DSP uses a microphone and computer to equalize the sub much like the Velodyne software. But it is more sophisticated. They also make many other products for home and studio.