speakers for small room

I have a small living room. My amp is an Accuphase powering some Harbeth P3ESRs and a KEF KC62 subwoofer. Sounds great for acoustic and jazz. However, I also like big symphonic works and the Harbeths don't cut it for that. I'm looking for something more dynamic and something that can push more air to give me that grand experience of listening to big works. Any recommendations? Assume a budget of $10000.




I would definitely consider using dsp room correction. My results are night and day and I’ve tried to do room treatments in the past. Floor standers, room correction and at least one sub would be my suggestion. IMO Lyngdorf RP is the cats meow. I haven’t heard many others besides the cheapy home theater receivers room correction and it was not good for music. 

On the particular Lyngdorf unit if you play vinyl just be aware is digitizes everything. If you can get over that it sounds awesome, sounds like vinyl should. 

I recommended Pulsars earlier, but if your room can handle floorstanders I’d recommend the Perspective 2 as it’ll give you a bit more scale.

Another possibility would be Spatial Audio speakers that are a dipole design and are very good at scaling up depending on the music.


Just a couple more options for you to chew on. 

I missed the fact your room is open on one side.  So it appears you listen in an area that is smaller than the overall room side.  Seems like more information is needed.  Duke brings up several things to be taken into consideration.  To start, I think we need to know the overall room size and which wall is open in relation to the speakers and your listening position.

Small rooms do not mean small speakers. I really enjoy my 7 foot triangle of Klipsch, Cornwall and a small SVS micro 3000 subwoofer. You save money because you can buy yourself a nice little wattage tube amplifier and get the job done with dynamics and clarity and soundstage that will satisfy.