Velodyne DD15 - worth repairing the plate amp?

The amp in my 2008 Velodyne DD15 is dead as a door nail. 

How good is this old marvel compared to today's offerings?

Worth investing another $500 (to have amp repaired, incl roundtrip shipping, tax, etc)? Or just use as passive sub?

How does it compete to modern subs, for example SBS SB-2000 or SB-3000 (both under $1k pre owned)?


Not as earth shaking as my Dayton UM18-22 in 4 cuft sealed (driven by external plate amp from Elemental Design A7-450). But that is an 18" and a larger cabinet. Very 'tight' bass. Still need to do more listening, exploring (and get cable situation/connectors resolved; trying to maintain the existing large/small femal space, but don't have matching male ones; and need to make proper (big, now that I have seen 800-1000w peak (based on 'clipping' light on amp) going into the sub, that is quite some ampere flowing!). I expect the DEEP section to further improve with the Velodyne control software/hardware once the amp is back. 


Sounds about right. EQ and a large amp are very important with a for a small cabinet to go deep.


rwwear: what does it do? similar to what audyssey does (measure room sound, make correction in time and equalizing frequencies, automatically)? 


It's an outboard version the one built into the Velodyne DD series. You can use it with any sub though. Can be used as a replacement for the Velodyne built in EQ if needed.