The original recording is an acoustic perspective or take resulting from trade-off choices conveyed by the gear system to another acoustic perspective ,where they will be translated in our room for specific ears/head...
Accuracy refer to measured numbers of specific factors of any kind .... Digital, electrical, acoustical or psycho-acoustical MEASURES but the end PERCEIVED EXPERIENCE is not about accuracy it is about the way a gear system convey an acoustical trade-off set of choices by the recording engineer and how it is translated through your speakers-room by ears and by your specific HRTF or head related transfer function to your speakers/room...
And i need an explanation about YOUR speakers being the only possible one accurate in the world, in any room for any inner ears structure and any HRTF sorry , Why and How is it possible ?
Since every audio systems (low-end, hi-end, all $million systems) sound un-natural (except my audio system). Your audio sounds un-natural and you may not know exactly what is real or surreal sound.