@mulveling....Nice catch on noticing the lack of the 'bump out' at the base of the cantilever shown in the picture 👍.
I let him know and told him to double check that he will be getting a Signature not a Standard Rosewood.
@scm They might have legitimately changed that, more recently. Koetsu has made little changes to production over the years, which sometimes makes it hard to parse out what's what. That's a real challenge for older Onyx models. And good luck predicting whether an Urushi will have smooth-bore or threaded mounting holes!
You can see the Rosewood Standards for sale from Japan have a very dry, light-colored looking Rosewood. Yours shows a dark, rich Rosewood color. So the way to distinguish *might* simply be a more selected piece of darker Rosewood. The Signature Platinum (which I do have) adds a light coat of clear lacquer, which makes its look richer and shinier versus the matte Signature and Standard models. The Platinums also always have a serial # that starts with "P" like "P356".
If the Japanese seller is adamant it's a "Signature" model, I'd be inclined to trust him.