How important are spikes?

I use rubber footings. How do spikes improve sound vs rubber feet?

Never saw need to put spikes on a rack that has components/amp.  Need wheels on a rack for access, mobility.


Interesting article that consolidates a bunch of stuff I have read before, except I didn’t previously know that spikes were created to prevent speaker cabinets from dancing!

I would like to see Mr. Varney debate Robert from Live-Vibe, the Audio Point guy, that would be fun.

I’m not debating the quantum level effects of what spikes do. Clearly you can measure anything to death and confuse an issue.

I read the article referred to above and it’s another one of these articles that is incredibly confusing and difficult to follow. At the end it does say ‘isolation is easy to perceive’ so I guess it must be true. It all boils down to this single comment, which really needs a lot more clarification I think in light of everything that was said in this article.

I believe the article does say spikes are pretty senseless.

I am failing to see anyone who has ever really said there are discernible sonic benefits to using isolatIon peripheral equipment.


"I am failing to see anyone who has ever really said there are discernible sonic benefits to using isolatIon peripheral equipment."

It's been said here hundreds of times by many members. You are either blind, or unable to read and comprehend.

Some loudspeakers benefit substantially from spikes. If the manufacturer has a good reputation and has supplied spikes, they should at least be tried. My Spendor D7.2's sound better in my room with the supplied spikes than with Gaia’s. I have hardwood floors and assumed the Gaia’s would best the spikes. Nope. Take a look at the latest S’Phile and the review of the Focals on the cover. The reviewer tried Gaia’s that I believe, conversely, were supplied by Focal but the reviewer, in his room, found the sound clearly more focused with spikes.

It is a complete head-scratcher that so many of the folk on this forum accept as Gospel that an inert enclosure a la Magico is superior to an intentionally resonant enclosure such as utilized by Harbeth, and yet various methods of coupling the loudspeaker to the floor are considered snake oil.

As time goes on I find less and less motivation to express my opinions on this Board. I look at your virtual systems and you have expensive loudspeakers like Magico’s pushed right up agains the wall with a huge TV panel on the wall in the middle and I think of the kids in my neighborhood who pop-rivet huge spoilers on their aging Honda Civics with obnoxious straight-pass mufflers. My analogy is flawed but my point, I hope is made.To a few of you.