Chapman Speakers?

Chapman is on my short list for my next speaker purchase.
My hope is to get some impressions from those who have had some direct experience with any of their models.
Other speakers of similar design will be considered upon recommendations received.
I think I can get past the aesthetics of the Chapmans as long as I feel they will satisfy my musical expectations.
I am considering the latest T-7 model but the T-5 value/performance also has to be taken into account.

Any further input would be appreciated. Also any similar type speakers between $5000 to $10000 that in your opinion compare well at or above Chapmans assumed potential.
Twoleftears, What other speakers drew you into the music better than the T-5s?
Twoleftears, What other speakers drew you into the music better than the T-5s?
"Twoleftears, What other speakers drew you into the music better than the T-5s?"

Top of the list would be the Vienna Acoustic Beethoven Baby Grand Symphony Edition, and the PMC twenty.24. If you're looking higher, a used pair of the VA Liszts would be ideal.