Two questions to make you mad.

#1 Why is it that the worlds most sophisticated and accurate machine the (ASML) TWINSCAN NXE:3600D doesn’t use special AC or signal cables to make 3nm semiconductors. Audiophiles need special cables for accuracy?

#2 Why is it that you can always tell when a piano is playing live, or even an electric guitar is playing live 2 houses away directly into an amp through walls and windows?

In the 1960s Electro Voice announced that their speakers could reproduce exactly accurate sounds, many believed them.

We are fooling ourselves, our hobby is full of lies and we can’t even face facts.


1) The quantifiable issues associated with wiring and cabling have been accounted for in the design of the Twinscan machine have been accounted for in the design.

2) The dynamics of a live instrument, in acoustical, volume, frequency, and temporal domains are only at best approximated in playback. This does not mean the results are unpleasant, on the contrary, they can be extraordinary. Just not live.

1) The quantifiable issues associated with wiring and cabling have been accounted for in the design of the Twinscan machine have been accounted for in the design.

2) The dynamics of a live instrument, in acoustical, volume, frequency, and temporal domains are only at best approximated in playback. This does not mean the results are unpleasant, on the contrary, they can be extraordinary. Just not live.


I’d love to hear your view on where AI (Artificial Intelligence) will lead recording and playback in music and movies.


I think A.I. will take the cake...😁

Commercially for money reason A. I. will be used to create music and process it...

We have a soul... But we will bargain it for money...

It is all already written in any S.F. litterature...😁

I am not a luddite by the way but A.I. will be under criminal corporation control for a while as it is already ... After that it will become A. C. or artificial consciousness...Here it will be more like a "Blade Runner" movie ...

The difference between neural network mathematic or A. I. and the new mathematic of A. C. is that it is self learning in the real world as a human or animal body do it is not a language model ... This new mathematics is already written in an astounding book by an Indian not so well known genius because it superseed ALL any other models paradigm of the brain on neuron basis ... There is the same quantitative complexities in one neuron inside with his grid of microtubules as the overall  sum  of all neuron network of all the brain... ...

One of the best book i read in the last decades or more....It change everything... Totally new concepts nowhere else to be read... Better than any thriller but hard science... It is like "fractal geometry" the book that had changed our geometric intuition ...I read it in his first edition in french in 1976... here is a book that change our intuition about everything or almost... And this scientist has proven 15 years ago the quantum properties in microtubules...He just discovered how to read them few months ago...

Of course the reason I mentioned the ASML machine that sells for 300M$ that makes 3nm chips is because it is the most accurate machine mankind has ever made (not including the LHC), The LHC uses super conductive cables so they are in a different class. The ASML machine uses cables that many of us would not accept for our audio playback systems on the grounds that the fancy cables we buy are more accurate than regular cables without 10 kinds of shrink-wrap and cool little wooden emblems on them. If the ASML machine doesn't need fancy cables then why do we? Audio works at very slow and very long wavelengths, cables are easy at our wavelengths. If your stereo costs 300M$ would you demand 80k$/Meter cables you would probably say yes but you would have no reason other than people saying it sounds better. The limit of engineering now is 3nm accuracy and that machine doesn't include 80k$ cables. The ASML machine is literally the definition of accuracy and somehow we demand more accurate signal cables than it does, one of the groups is wrong the audiophiles or the semiconductor industry.