@tvrgeek I think you need to take some Xanax. Clocking absolutely is still an issue. I also made full disclosure on the dates of the information I compiled, oh and was not compiled for you you arrogant azz. You must need a ladder to get on that high horse. You sure make it hard for people to respect you or even want to read your opinions on anything. Truly sad your ego gets' in the way of what should be enjoyable.
Yet in other publications (2016) they find the articles I sited as relevant.
Also USB Protocols were written in the 1990’s, so really little has changed in the protocols. Changes have been in clocking and hardware, no?
Regardless I think the credentials and experience of the authors EDN outweigh you alleged expertise. JUNE 27, 2012
As a longtime audio DIYer I can sympathize with audio enthusiasts who don’t wish to have their fun spoiled by the likes of such objectivist methods as hardcore engineering measurements and double blind testing (DBT). But audio subjectivists should realize that ignoring the objectivist “reality” side of audio means never being able to determine an objective “better” or “best” and forever drifting from one product to another in search of the “holy grail.”
Me, I’d rather spend my time enjoying listening to music.
From USB.org.