@woots Looks like you've stirred the passions of some obsessively compulsive audiophile types with this simple question.
Yes, from a scientific point of view, most living and/or otherwise energized things (e.g. circuit boards) do, indeed, emit a certain amount of vibration and/or an electromagnetic field. The question is how much this really affects the sound quality of your system, if at all. There are many other issues or factors related to vibrations in a sound system and sound room (e.g. construction of the stereo components; construction of the sound room itself, like the floor; pictures hanging on the walls; windows; furnishings; etc.). If you can truly hear a problem then, by all means, do something about it. If not, relax, save some money and enjoy your music. To some "audiophiles", it ain't high-end unless it costs mucho dinero and purports to do things even they or most humans on the planet can't hear or sense (e.g. audio cables & connects). While Salamander products aren't cheap, go to their website and check out the different products they have. All of the dimensions and configurations they offer will be there. My McIntosh amp fits just fine on the bottom shelf of my Salamander Synergy rack, without the back panel installed. The MAC's weight and total weight of my other components is easily handled by the Salamander. This helps insolate everything to the floor and I can get away with using only the standard adjustable rack feet because my sound room is wall-to-wall carpet. I should add that I usually like to listen to my music at what I consider to be concert level gain (e.g. 50% to 60% on the MAC, depending upon digital or vinyl source). If your sound room is, for example, proverbial hardwood flooring on top of half or three-quarter inch plywood subflooring, with 16" O.C. single 2" X 10" floor joists (12" O.C. with doubled or even tripled up or married floor joists is even more rigid and cross bracing helps, too), with or without felt or some other liner, you might feel a need to invest in spikes or whatever. However, I would wait to see if you can actually hear a negative impact on sound performance.