What means embeddings control ?

What means embeddings control ?
Mechanically, electrically and acoustically ?
I will give an example with my own low cost speakers :
The M-Audio AV 40 active speakers which were well reviewed by Steve Guttenberg 12 years ago which i bought but never like and in fact hate and take them out of my speakers music bank files... They worked as speakers for a safe secondary computer and never used for music again for all this time but one year ago when i sold my house and lost my bigger speakers in their tuned acoustic room i had no choice other than them for music ( i had my other system on headphone )...😁
I go into a basement small room and there i had no other speakers than the one i disliked a lot and which now i like a lot...
How ?
--- Mechanical damping of resonance by weight , 30 pounds of concrete over this 12 pound small speakers with a well made enclosure though...Which weight decrease their resonace destructive impact a lot ...Better imaging depth is evident ...Better timbre clarity details perception...Soundstage outside the speakers as an encompassing one with all my controls added together ...
--- Mechanical isolation on my desk with various material under them , 40 pounds of concrete plate over which i put plate cork and shungite plate under sorbothane plate ...
--- Electrical embeddings against EMI with my own designed "golden plates " around the speakers faces and on all connectors ( shungite plate +copper tape on the external side )
--- Mechanical/acoustical embeddings of the speakers suppressing some level of crosstalk by using wood plate at 60 degree inside each speakers plane because each speakers plane is oriented toward my ears in near listening ( near a equilateral triangle orientation ) The computer screen is located between these 2 wood plates ... It look crazy i know but it work...
--- Mechanical /acoustical embeddings control of the tweeter by adding a cardboard roll elongating as a tube the tweeter direction focus toward my ears ...
--- Mechanical/acoustical embeddings control of the porthole by adding in the rear porthole many straws in an attached bundle inside ... Straws mechanically tuned with different lenght and diameter ... With that i go from 80 hertz to clear 50 hertz ...
--- Mechanical/acoustical controls of the room treatment with 2 wood screen-fold , one with a cellular diffusive structure , and various materials to create a balance in reflective/absorbing/difusive surface ....
All this was so efficient that the speakers i disliked 12 years ago are now my casual speakers i like a lot for music .... I paid them 100 bucks 12 years ago ....😁
Because these speakers are very resolving in a non fatiguing way though i coupled them with my  organic and fluid very natural sounding french NOS  S.P.S.  Dac TDA 1543  a battery powered one  with a non linear power supply to charge the internal battery while working ... I use a USB /optical convertor from the computer bank to the dac  with my golden plates  on them with some quartz for a better balance ...
Embeddings controls transform anything at any price right out of the box into something that is way better if we learn about acoustics and various mechanical possibilities ....
Upgrading them ?
Impossible for few hundred bucks trust me on this , but perhaps for example with a Tannoy 8 dual contrentric at 1000 bucks ....But i will kept them till they die or me ... Tannoy will wait ...
Then you know i love them so much that i dont even dream about an upgrade ... I buy music, a ton of music ....😉😊
Being an audiophile is learning not buying ...


Let me know what numerical representations you've chosen per each of your component and how they can add-up

Are you a troll ?

Embeddings is not a word reserved to algebra at all ...It own a general meaning BEFORE his contemporary usage which specialized usage about vectors space anyway derived from his ORIGINAL meaning ...

Dont troll me...

Everybody can know and read that you dont know your own english language or you troll me or the two ...






Let me know what numerical representations you’ve chosen per each of your component and how they can add-up

Now an important precision  ...

When you EMBED all you components together  on your room or desk ,in your house, mechanically, electrically and acoustically , you can use the specs measures of your components as index about possible or impossible synergy , you can use electronical equalization and DSP  as helping tools  for sure and you must if you can , as you must learn how to relate the room measures with you speakers characteristics and listener  location ...

But there exist only one tool that can help you to manage and analyse ALL PARAMETERS , being it electrical, acoustical or mechanical , which are implied TOGETHER ALL AT ONCE when the system work  , and it will be you ears/brain ...

For now our ears/brain  are at the same time an actor or a component and the main controlling tool ...





I do not think that using "embedding" is applicable in your scenario. The attached dictionary page clearly shows that it is not.

A fossil embed in stone is one example FROM THE DICTIONARY ... Then ...

A speaker acoustic potential embed in the acoustic field of a room ...

A speaker electrical internal grid embed in the electrical grid of a house ...

A speaker mechanical resonance response embedded in the larger vibration field of the desk/house...


Incredible ...

Do you understand english ?

Embedding in a general sense means to be inserted or included in AS A PART OF ...

to enclose closely in

As a fish embed in the river bed or as a troll embed in an audio thread ... 😋




Now instead of your narrow focus on the usage of a word how about what i spoke about and the difference between "tweaks" and embeddings controls in audio ?



I do not think that using "embedding" is applicable in your scenario. The attached dictionary page clearly shows that it is not.