Pictures at an Exhibition

For someone who studied music in college, I somehow managed to miss Moussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition until now. I admit I’m not a fan of large-scale orchestral works, so I avoided it not knowing that it was originally written for solo piano. I picked up both CD and vinyl copies of the solo piano version and I think it is fabulous. A wonderful mix of simplicity and virtuosity and I can’t recommend it highly enough. I’m definitely tempted to pick up another version.

Plese let me know if you are aware of any outstanding performances of this piece. Thanks 


If you like progressive rock, there's the Emerson, Lake and Palmer version.  A three man band but Keith Emerson will give you something approaching an orchestral version with his virtuoso keyboard playing. 

For performance, Richter's Sofia recording made in 1958 can't be beat - everybody agrees! Problem is the recording was live and is poor. None the less it is great and sets a standard. Another very good performance in much better audio is Pletnev's on Virgin Classics. FWIW, one I listen to a lot is Noriko's version on BIS.

I have:

Pictures at an Exhibition / Evgeny Kissin(piano) / RCA 2001
