Amps for Egglestonworks Andra II or Sophia 2

After many years, I'm interested in upgrading my system with great full range speakers. I'm currently using really old Meridian active speakers, so I will need amplification too. I have a Meridian 508.24 CD player and a Sonic Frontiers Line-2 pre-amp, and I intend to keep those.

I don't really want to spend more than $9K total.

The two speakers I'm most interested in are the Egglestonworks Andra II and the Wilson Audio Sophia 2. I have heard neither of these speakers, but they both have glowing reviews. Years ago, I had heard the Egglestonworks Rosa and I liked them, though they were close together in a smallish room. The best thing I've ever heard was a high dollar setup with Wilson Maxx 2 speakers in a large room. I guess I'm getting at the fact that I have enjoyed the sound of both families of speakers, and would probably adapt to either and be happy if I could integrate them into my challenging room. The reported mid-bass hump of the Andra gives me a little pause, but most people seem to love them.

It looks like the Sophia 2 is going to be somewhere around $7200 on Agon, and the Andra II might be a grand cheaper. I've seem many people state in these forums that the Andras don't shine unless you have big amps driving them, and that makes me wonder if the total system cost will be higher with them.

I did a little looking around and it sounds like the Parasound A21 is a good amp for the money. Can anyone advise me as to whether that has enough gusto to run either pair of these speakers near their potential?
"Do you care to list the associate components in your system driving the Andra IIs? I'm curious what made it unforgiving."

No. It's not relevant for this discussion.

"From my experience, I found Paul Bolin's Stereophile review dead-on. www.stereophile"

That's great.
05-03-15: Zd542
"Do you care to list the associate components in your system driving the Andra IIs? I'm curious what made it unforgiving."

No. It's not relevant for this discussion.
You're offering advice and must have experience on the subject so it's relevant in how your conclusions are drawn.
"05-03-15: Knghifi

05-03-15: Zd542
"Do you care to list the associate components in your system driving the Andra IIs? I'm curious what made it unforgiving."

No. It's not relevant for this discussion.

You're offering advice and must have experience on the subject so it's relevant in how your conclusions are drawn. "
Read through my posts again. You'll see that I'm not recommending any equipment at all. Its just the opposite. The only recommendation I do make is to not go by recommendations.

Look at the situation. The OP wants to buy a pair of expensive high end speakers without listening to them first. Not only that, he won't be listening to the components either. Given that, how on earth can someone make a meaningful recommendation? We have absolutely no idea what the OP will like, or dislike. The whole thing is a disaster waiting to happen.
Exactly how many people end up testing everything they are interested in buying as a complete system in THEIR room anyway? I'm sure dealers are happy to just roll 250 pound speakers around town every day so people can listen to them.

Yes, I'm sure buying speakers 1 generation newer than I've heard and a well regarded amp to go with them would be a disaster.

And even if you are right and it's a "disaster", I bought the stuff used and I'm not going to take a $12,000 bath.

If you really have nothing to contribute here, I'd appreciate it if you would leave the discussion. I was hoping for advice from people who have experience with these two speakers.
"05-04-15: Sboje
Exactly how many people end up testing everything they are interested in buying as a complete system in THEIR room anyway?"

I do. But that's not the issue. What makes this situation so difficult is that you're testing nothing. Why would you expect good results?"

"I'm sure dealers are happy to just roll 250 pound speakers around town every day so people can listen to them."

Any good dealer will do just that.

"Yes, I'm sure buying speakers 1 generation newer than I've heard and a well regarded amp to go with them would be a disaster."

Absolutely true. You may get it right, but aside from luck its probably going to be a disaster.

"And even if you are right and it's a "disaster", I bought the stuff used and I'm not going to take a $12,000 bath. "

The whole trick is to avoid a disaster in the first place.

"If you really have nothing to contribute here, I'd appreciate it if you would leave the discussion. I was hoping for advice from people who have experience with these two speakers.
Sboje (Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

If you had half a brain, you would see that I'm giving you the best advice. I do have experience with both of those speakers. But you don't. And you're going to learn the hard way what that means. But don't worry, just have the massed continue to pat you on the back and tell you you're doing the right thing. I'm sure it will all work out. What could possible go wrong?