
I am pretty sure I understand jitter generated by streamers and/or DACs. My question  is, when a digital recording is created, can there already be jitter in the digital data itself from the ADC? If so, can this ever be corrected during playback, either by the streamer or DAC?


I suspect adjusting the DAC's buffer will fix your dropout problem, but I'm rather skeptical that the issue is "excessive jitter" from the streamer or recording.

I don’t think jitter causes dropouts. Are you using WiFi?  If you are, that’s more likely the issue I think. 

Coralkong, if you remember audioengr Agon member, has reclocking box to solve this jitter issue?

I don’t think jitter causes dropouts. Are you using WiFi? If you are, that’s more likely the issue I think.

Networks have jitter, but it’s defined differently than what we think of in audio. It’s variance in packet timings and if bad enough, can certainly overwhelm a DAC’s jitter reduction/buffers. If it's bad enough though it's called "packet loss" instead. I usually have a good Internet connection but I still set my streamer’s buffer relatively high to 10 seconds or more to avoid issues.

If on Wifi, use a free Wifi analyzer for your PC or phone to make sure you have a strong signal that isn’t shared by many other router signals.