Anxiety help needed. New instal of Hana ML

Good morning everyone. Last evening I finally got around to installing my brand new Hana ML. I installed it on my MOFI Ultra deck using the Dr. F protractor. All went well despite my coffee fueled sausage fingers. I really took my time to get the alignment right, checking and re-checking. I left the stylus guard on while installing onto the head shell and wiring. Took it off obviously to use the protractor.

I hooked up the TT to my Parasound JC3 jr. and fired things up for a quick listen. I was completely blown away to say the least. Put on John Lee Hooker "The Healer" and it knocked my jaw clean off.

What gave me some restless sleep? The fact that the cantilever just looks like it’s ever so slightly oriented to the left as you view the front of the cart. I mean maybe a couple red hairs.. I didn’t notice any sound difference left or right, no increase or decrease, no hint of distortion either.

Please tell me to just take my Lexapro and drink my coffee and relax. That’s all I’m asking.

Thank you,

Dumb Doug

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xdoyle3433

Many of mine have looked a little off But if It blew you away....Leave it try to "FIX" it and it doesn't sound as good...then you're screwed.

I think you need the entire Michael Fremer pile of microscopes, measuring devices, and hours of tedious adjusting to get the anxiety out. Or, if it sounds good, leave the damn thing alone.

I am tending to agree with leaving it alone and letting the music tell me. I have a tendency to overcook things and end up one side or another off the baseline. I’ve rechecked, used my new force gauge and put everything back in its proper place. Rainy Sunday here in NE Buckeye state. Time to relax, switch to non caffeinated and spin some records! 
I hope everyone has a great and safe day.
