Anybody know that technology improved a lot ...
Even me the "tin foil hat" idiot know it...😁
But few people here seems to need to think about the ratio money invested and the resulting final sound quality...
Because many people here seems to dance on a lake of money but not me and some others ...
There is also the minimal acoustic satisfaction threshold when reached which is not so far off the optimal acoustic satisfaction threshold that some "billionnairs" or some financially confortable people thought anyway, the same persons who without acoustic knowledge bragg about speaking of their costly gear piece without even a dedicated acoustic room......
Then instead of claims about evidence everybody knows about : "today engineering audio was an improvement "... We the informed poor dudes group😁 we think about the ratio sound quality versus cost and the minimal acoustic satisfaction threshold ..
Did you catch ?
Sansui amplifier in a well embedded system and room beat most system in a non well embedded system and room if not in pure sound quality in cost without being far from almost anything of great sound quality ... The only exception is super costly sound system with no ceiling in cost...