Canada had the same problem than America, the economy became an artefact completely out of any ground, there is no more common good only profit , and the education is in the gutter , only slave worker for corporation are needed than minimal education and too specialized too young ...
Quebec missed his historical moment in 1976 ...After that without the creativity of the greatest ambition Quebec became no more the nation it dreamed to be but a small province in a derelicted country because there is no more leadership in Canada either as in America for a long time ...
And it seems the world was missing his historical moment right now ...
I keep my optimism though but not by reading the news ... 😁
@mahgister , I was recently in your country (in Montreal) meeting with a customer. Most of your high quality engineers are immigrant stock. The issue is labor rates in the US, Canada, etc....If a natural born Canadian plumber or a hvac repair guy or some landscaper installing goofyass french drains can make more than an engineering PhD, why the hell would he go through all the insane trouble of going through PhD courework? The pay grade for the savants of society is indeed terrible. It’s the immigrant pool that largely keeps these countries afloat w.r.t technical excellence.