Theta/Spectra/Avalon - system revamp advice needed

Because of my living situation I was forced to place my system (Spectral DMA180.1 & DMC-30, Avalon Radian HC, MIT 850(?) tri-wire, Theta DSPro Gen Va) in storage 7+ years ago and live with a very, very modest system. Listening is 100% CDs: jazz, rock/pop, folk, blues, a little classical here and there. New listing room is 20x20 w/high ceiling and very live.

I've been out of touch with the audiophile hobby for 10+ years, so I'm not up on the latest and greatest. Pretty much always stuck with buying used to stretch my $. Never felt I needed to have the latest equipment (still don't), just go for great stuff and usually stick with it for a while. Think I want to stick with the Radians and the DMA180.

Do you guys suggest I:

- stick with what I have and simply add a transport or CD player w/digital out? If so, recommendations? My budget is $1000.

- sell the Theta DAC & Spectral preamp and upgrade to a DSPre Gen VIII/preamp w/transport?

Any other suggestions welcome.


Drjoe & Joeabrams, do you guy have any thoughts on losing the DMC-30 and moving to a DSPre Gen VIII from a DSPro Gen Va. If I go with the DSPre I'll have one set of Oracles to buy rather than two.

Hi, it is my opinion that Spectral power amps sound best with Spectral
preamps. A long time ago I tried using a tube preamp with my DMA 150.
It would work for a couple of hours, but eventually the protection circuits
would come on. Usually what happens is the output devices oscillate
and they fail. It is very expensive to have this problem repaired.
Hello Drjoe,
Briefly, for the moment, the only upgrade I'd suggest to the equipment you described is the digital front end;
Major improvements in the past 8 years.
Your Spectral gear with the MIT 850 can still produce truly exceptional sound. I will write again tomorrow. Don't rush things, you have a wonderful setup.
Hello Gary,

I know you didn't mention it, but have you thought about going up a step with your speakers? I went from the Radian H.C. to the Eidolon and then to the Eidolon Diamond.

IMO each step was a significant improvement. If you could swing a used pair of Diamonds I think you would be ecstatic! Whatever you decide good luck.....

