Should I graduate to floor standers or will larger bookshelves suffice?

Hey guys,
I moved into a larger space several years ago, more of an open floor plan, and soon realized that my current speakers, Legacy Studio HD, in a surround array, might be a bit overwhelmed. It’s a weird, asymmetrical space, but it’s also significantly larger than my previous one. So the title of my post says it all…can I still get adequate coverage with bookshelf speakers, or do I now need floor standers? A friend told me to basically “sit closer to the tv” but that isn’t practical.

I thought about the Calibres from Legacy as an option, which is about my price range…up to 7k or so. I also see all these great internet only brands, like Fritz, or Philharmonic, etc, and I hear about their prodigious extension and sound stage, but can these bookshelves fill my room, or any room for that matter?

Let me also add, I have no problem graduating to floor standers, so suggestions are also welcome.

Thanks in advance.


@ddgtt wow those Kaya speakers are just gorgeous and unique! I’m a sucker for a pretty face. I didn’t research the price yet….I’m sure good looks come at a premium.

Here in the U.S. the Vivid Audio Kaya K25 speakers sell for $11,000 per pair. 

Yeah, that’s a bit out of my range. I top off at about 7 maybe 8k. And I would rather be lower. Looking for that “punching above it’s price point” speaker.

OP- I heard the Revel be speakers at audio shows and I liked the sound. Also got some favorable reviews. But I know some didn’t care for the sound.

Like most thing high-end audio it’s a matter of subjective sonic preferences - it’s best to listen for yourself to find what “you” like.

Floorstanders are generally superior because of the added bass extension which was tuned to match the midrange and tweeter.  While one could get a stand mount and supplement with subwoofers, but matching is typically difficult and usually subpar than a floorstander.

On a side note many use a subwoofer fill out and/or add bass energy. However, some including myself plan to use “articulate” subwoofers to match my “articulate” full range floorstanders to reach lower bass AND to support the rest of the upper frequencies (it fill it out for a more full/complete sound).