Should I graduate to floor standers or will larger bookshelves suffice?

Hey guys,
I moved into a larger space several years ago, more of an open floor plan, and soon realized that my current speakers, Legacy Studio HD, in a surround array, might be a bit overwhelmed. It’s a weird, asymmetrical space, but it’s also significantly larger than my previous one. So the title of my post says it all…can I still get adequate coverage with bookshelf speakers, or do I now need floor standers? A friend told me to basically “sit closer to the tv” but that isn’t practical.

I thought about the Calibres from Legacy as an option, which is about my price range…up to 7k or so. I also see all these great internet only brands, like Fritz, or Philharmonic, etc, and I hear about their prodigious extension and sound stage, but can these bookshelves fill my room, or any room for that matter?

Let me also add, I have no problem graduating to floor standers, so suggestions are also welcome.

Thanks in advance.


I’m just going to weigh in on this from a enjoy the music point of view.

I have a unique tune Amp and Harbeth P3ESRs running from a Node2 in my office. It’s nice.

I have a Cary Audi front end into Fritz bookshelves in my formal living room.

My floorstanders aren’t even in tje same discussion. They are both awesome...but graduate and have some fun with a big 2 channel system that doesn’t ever make you think about a sub.

@kennyc yeah, I agree, but no way can I find and demo all these different brands and models, especially of course the internet only ones. Unfortunately, this has become a common way to buy speakers these days. And yes to the stand mount/floorstander dilemma as well. But I’ve always had a soft spot for stand mounts. Though I think the only way I’m getting another stand mount is if it’s larger than what I have, with more output in the bass. 

@jonasandezekiel Can you keep both, or maybe hang onto both for awhile while you compare sonic presentations? Seems very educational, and fun.  

 I’ve always had a soft spot for stand mounts.

Me too.  Although I prefer and own floor standers for maximum  fidelity, space and time, and budget permitting I'd like to explore stand mounts:

  • Mofi PointSource 10 - demoed and big Andrew Jones fan, will purchase 
  • MSB 120 and 126 - if I move to an open concept kitchen/living area, these are my first choice in addition to my main system (I dream of a dedicated listening room...with decent dimensions)
  • Fritz speakers uses top parts at reasonable price points.
  • British nearfield speakers like from Rogers
  • Joseph Audio Pulsar - a close slice of their top floorstander
  • Harbeth + Hegel : ideal match, I'm trying to justify owning this additional system
  • Fleetwood Deville SQ - from positive reviews seems supremely musical, want to demo
  • Crystal Cable Minissimo - excellent reviews, and the option of adding their Subissimo low-bass system seems to be seamless integration

maybe hang onto both for awhile while you compare sonic presentations? Seems very educational and fun.

@kennyc I could possibly do that. I’m not the type to hang onto speakers, but they’ve been good to me. They sounded great in my previous residence.