840C and MHDT Havana

Hi all. I wanted to ask if anyone has had experience with both the Cambridge Audio 840C and the MHDT Havana DAC. I will primarily be using these playing lossless files through my Macbook, and using a fairly warm but dynamic OTL tube amp. I can get these for around the same price (Havana new, 840C used).

I am particularly sensitive in the HF region so am a little weary of comments I have read about the 840C's "digital sheen" / brightness; though some have said that 200h+ helps smooth that out (not sure to what extent and if the brighness is an inherent trait). The NOS, filterless, opampless design of the Havana appeals to me to from a purist and musicality perspective. I wonder if these two essentially play in the same sonic league, albeit with very different presentations.


My question was;

"What is it specifically that the Reimyo does much better than the Havana?"

...not the other way around.
Thanks again for the info guys.

In regard to the 840C, anyone have experience with it or own(ed) one, and felt it to be bright/analytical/sterile? Would a warm tube amp counteract that?

I suppose it is all about attaining the right balance between dynamic, punch, sparkle etc. and smoothness/musicality. The 840C would certainly have more of the former; the Havana seems to have more of the latter.
Just as a corollary to that question, any Havana owners find it to be too soft and lacking dynamics/punch?
"I suppose it is all about attaining the right balance between dynamic, punch, sparkle etc. and smoothness/musicality."


The Paradisea ain't bad with the former either IMHO, in particular with the Tung Sol tube replacement.

The stock GE tube does "sparkle" more though.
Sorry I misunderstood.

The Reimyo betters all over, Bass, mids, treble, sound stage, harmonics, inner detail, imaging you name it. Above all it really makes the whole music come into play (no pun intended...)

When you compare it to LP played on TW Acustics Raven AC, fitted with Phantom toenarm, Lyra Skala, Nagra VPS then the Reimyo sounds as if it is missing out on something, and I guess that if one day I hear my current TT fitted with a better cartridge I would then say that the Lyra Skala is missing something. I've been on the HiFi ladder for 25+ years and ever step has bought its worth of extra insight into music; that is what its all about.

I used the Havana in a very high end system that is very balanced; the Havana did very well.

If I did not have the the Reimyo and say a <5000$ CD player I would guess that the Havana would equal or better. It is a fine piece of kit.

As I stated I use it in my Home Cinema installation from digital source and its is really great for that. Would I use it for music only? Yes and I truly recommend the Havana.
