"Once upon Your Dime...."
Does anyone other than me remember the suggested break-in time/mileage on cars and motorcycles? The back-lot gray matter gurgles something about '500mi. or 30 days'....intelligent it was, for getting used to a new larger collection of bits 'o this 'n that with the potential of harm and/or demise of you at minimum?
Yup, thought so.
"Lets' do a fiery burn-out leaving the lot in the new 'Stang!"
"Doughnuts in that cul-de-sac?! WTH Not....!"
The warranty doesn't cover idiocy.
Any spankin' new driver? 100hrs. at a 'civil' level; after that, it's your ears, spouse as exists, and your neighbors' tolerance level(s).
My DIYs' (not just a cabinet, remember?) get stuck on a streamcaster @ a low Muzak dB for 100hrs.; rising after that in 5~10 dB for a day or evening.
Those periods are inclusive of anything that I consider to be a suitable 'workout' for a 'newbie', all freq's all the time...
I won't try to break anything for a month.
Listening all the time, until the end.
Then I just enjoy. *S*
Imho...they're your speakers. I don't have to pay for the shipping, making calls, emails.....