Speaker Cable Recommendation

I'm wondering if someone could recommend a pair of speaker cables.  I have looked at Nordost entry level, but they may be too thin for my system. Looking for cables that may add some "weight" to the following system.

Decware 300b tube amp (8watts),  Klipsch Forte IV,   Holo May Dac, PS Audio BHK Pre with 12AU7 input tubes. My room is 20X12, not treated, vaulted ceiling, fair amount of glass. Not a great room :) In the $1,000.00 range

Thanks, Mark


For the price, I know none better than Morrow upper level of cables. I’ve owned the best Cardas and Transparent Ultra. Morrow sounded slightly better in my system at 1/3 the price. I have slowly tested then purchased speaker, interconnects, power cables and subwoofer cable. I’d go with Elite or Anniversary level. They run a once a year special of 60% off which is going on now. 30 day free trial as well. 

Harmonic Technology Pro9+, uses solid core OCC Cu. These sound great but were too short when I renovated our living room, so I temporarily replaced them with some cheapo junk cables. They were so bad I bought some Duelund 12AWG in cotton the right length to neatly fit the newly completed layout and they were a huge improvement on the cheapos.

After about a year of listening to the Duelunds I reinstated the HT Pro9's for a sanity check and they are still there making beautiful sounds having destroyed the musical but slightly coloured Duelunds, driving 96dB sensitive speakers. The HT cables IMO are outstanding and bettered many very expensive cables when compared at friends places and at home.  They can be found used at about $400

@bolong, the Duelund cable I mention is based on the original Western Electric and has a similar signature. As an experiment, try making up jumper cables from bass to tweeter terminals with WE wire but no terminals, just bare wire. Money saved and better sound. 

Looking for cables that may add some "weight" to the following system. Decware 300b tube amp (8watts), Klipsch Forte IV, Holo May Dac, PS Audio BHK Pre with 12AU7 input tubes. My room is 20X12, not treated, vaulted ceiling, fair amount of glass. Not a great room :) In the $1,000.00 range

Try the "SVS soundpath ultra" affordable speaker cable for "adding some weight" specifically (yes, they are primarily a subwoofer manufacturer, but, they appear to know something about cables).

They ain’t just "good for the price" (the bozo line you hear from every bozo in the wire biz). They are just good... Period!


P.S. Burn-it in before coming to any conclusions.

I found this on the Stager Silver Solids Website. I don't know how well they work, but I have some interest in making my own to try out.


Speaker Cables
Jung and Marsh stated that their tests showed that the use of multiple thin gauge solid core wires in parallel was the best way to go. This offered low capacitance with no phase or skin effect problems in or directly above the audible range. When asked, "What is the real thing about using silver in audio chain?" Mark Levinson replied in 
this interview with monoandstereo.com : "Silver is the best conductor of electricity. Laws of physics. But copper is more practical for speaker cables." Have a look at a fascinating glimpse of an electronic genius and music lover.
For a speaker cable, using just one pair of 23 ga. conductors results in a noticeably lean tonal balance but grouping multiple light-gauge wire gives you an even tonal balance without diminishing the desirable high-frequency performance advantages of thin gauge wires. The most cost effective way of achieving this is using plenum type CAT6 Ethernet cable with eight pure copper 23 gauge solid wires and Teflon dielectric in multiple pairs. Uncompromising high-end caliber performance at a bargain price.
The illustration below shows one side:


Stager Silver Solids Blog

WyWires Diamond is a very good cable and there is one on USAM for $2500.

I also own it and I am happy with it. I think the Audience FrontRow (also own) is a bit better, but you can get the WyWire used for much cheaper than a used FrontRow.