@dlcockrum my light bulb E-6SN7 LinLai pair arrived and have 80+ hours on them now. When I first played them they sounded quite bright with a booming bass and recessed dull midrange. I was ready to send them back but read they needed 50-100 hours break-in for them to come to life. On my system and my ears the LinLai tubes have improved noticeably with break-in hours. My assessment pretty much matches some of the other thread postings out there. The Good: excellent clarity, quiet, nice instrument separation, wide soundstage, fantastic tight clear deep bass. The not so great: treble on the bright side, soundstage is wide but flat lacking 3D depth, midrange just lacking a bit - just missing that full resonating sound. Overall this is a very nice new construction tube. I feel the LinLai’s had a Solid State kind of sound or digital vs analog analogy when compared to NOS. I would highly recommend them for amp builders and anyone who doesn’t want to get into the NOS tube intricacies. I could be very happy with this tube but I still prefer my NOS ‘50’s Melz, Sylvania GTA chrome domes, 6fg8’s. I do like them better than Sylvania vt-231 and Ken-Rad black glass vt-231’s which I feel are a step down from the others listed. Granted this is just my opinion, on my system with my ears and preference for the warmer tube so take it as such. I will continue to give them more playing time. They are definitely keepers and I will enjoy them for a different flavor choice.