SVS or REVEL Subwoofer

Hello all. I have a HT set up.  I use it for two channel music, multichannel music and movies/tv, in that order.

After 20 years, my Velodyne (1250  watts RMS ) sub blew yesterday and I’m looking for a suitable replacement.  I have B&W 804 speakers and a  B&W CC speaker which are driven by a Rotel Power amp, 200w x 5.

My room is 14 ft. long by 12 ft. wide.  I use Anthem’s ARC Genesis room correction software.  It works great.

My dealer carries a full line of both REL and SVS subs.  I would like to buy from him.  Looking for thoughts and recommendations from this group.  I’d like to keep the cost around $2K.


Ag insider logo xs@2xdrlou77

Yes rick.  I was trying to politely point that out to fred60.

You are of course correct!   Ken

Revel does make subs. Not that good in my opinion but they are expensive. REL makes a fairly decent sub. They don't go very low for a sub though. SVS makes a great sub for the money. Velodyne makes great subs but are expensive.

It's 20 years old.  

The servo mechanism failed.  It served me well.

My REL S/510 arrives next week.  A new chapter begins.



I looked at the HT/1510.  Great unit and price.  Went over my budget and got a REL S/510.  My dealer, who knows my system and room very well priced it "very aggressively" because he new it was the right choice.  I also got 0% financing until 1/25.  Now, I just need to tell my wife.  😩