SVS or REVEL Subwoofer

Hello all. I have a HT set up.  I use it for two channel music, multichannel music and movies/tv, in that order.

After 20 years, my Velodyne (1250  watts RMS ) sub blew yesterday and I’m looking for a suitable replacement.  I have B&W 804 speakers and a  B&W CC speaker which are driven by a Rotel Power amp, 200w x 5.

My room is 14 ft. long by 12 ft. wide.  I use Anthem’s ARC Genesis room correction software.  It works great.

My dealer carries a full line of both REL and SVS subs.  I would like to buy from him.  Looking for thoughts and recommendations from this group.  I’d like to keep the cost around $2K.


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Revel does make subs. Not that good in my opinion but they are expensive. REL makes a fairly decent sub. They don't go very low for a sub though. SVS makes a great sub for the money. Velodyne makes great subs but are expensive.

It's 20 years old.  

The servo mechanism failed.  It served me well.

My REL S/510 arrives next week.  A new chapter begins.



I looked at the HT/1510.  Great unit and price.  Went over my budget and got a REL S/510.  My dealer, who knows my system and room very well priced it "very aggressively" because he new it was the right choice.  I also got 0% financing until 1/25.  Now, I just need to tell my wife.  😩

Re: high level inputs vs low level-- I would check some hifi blogs about this.  On, the suggestion is that low level might be the better way to go.  Personally I have not tried this out, but Kal Rubinson, who is a senior editor at Stereophile, says that low level inputs are better to use.

And again, personally I am no longer interested in spending >$2K on a sub that might die in a decade, like my last sub.  That's why I'm suggesting the HT-1205 @$699.