Equalizer in a Hi Fi system

Just curious to hear everyone’s opinions on using an equalizer in a high end hi fi system. Was at work tonight and killing time and came across a Schitt Loki max $1500 Equalizer with some very good reviews. What are some of the pros / Benefits and cons in using one. Just curious. BTW. I’m talking about a top of the line. Hi end equalizer. Mostly to calm some high frequencies and some bad recordings. 

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman

I just think if you’re gonna spend $1500 for a Loki Max then go pro and you’ll be rewarded in spades in SQ. Yes, you’ll lose the remote, but who cares when you can shine up a dull recording much more beautifully with a 2-4 grand pro piece used in mastering studios. I’ve heard Loki Max in my home against these other pieces. I know what I’m talking about. 

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The Max isn't designed as a 2 to 4 grand mastering EQ, and likely no reasonable audiophile would confuse it for one. There is no advantage in SQ with a multiple frequency notching parametric, just more specific and smaller bands of adjustment. The Max has no sound at all until called to make frequency changes with its  sophisticated relays. Utterly transparent. I've been around pro EQs in studios and mastering labs for decades and understand the difference. 

@tlcocks  so u are talking up to 4k. Compared to 1500   Big difference. And a remote is a big deal to me rather than getting up and down for every songs.