10 gauge power cord. Too much power for tube amp?

Tube amplifiers tend to be sensitive on incoming voltages. Is there a chance a bigger gauge power cord like 10 gauge may not be a good thing?

My amplifier tends to shut down occasionally upon start up. maybe moving to a higher gauge might be better. Does it matter?


Sounds like some kind of in rush current problem. I don't know anything about your amp but I'd guess it's something in the rectification (wrong tube type?) or voltage regulators. 

You ever measure what's coming out of your wall socket just for curiosity sake? Mine gets as high as 125v certain times of the day..although that still shouldn't be an issue if everything is working correctly. I've seen people post numbers as high as 128v in older homes, which can eventually wreck havoc on older tube gear. Get you one of those Amprx Brown Box or their Linestage models from a place you can return it if it's no help. Works wonders on older tube gear and it seems like it cleans the power signal as well if compared to bypass mode. Cheaper options do exist.  Although I think your issue is a problem in the circuitry if not the Rectifier. I'm no repairman though. Definitely not a power cord issue. 

The McIntosh model you're using is a monoblock.  A 300 watt tube monoblock.  So if you're turning two of these on at the same time and they're connected to the same 15 amp outlet that might push things a bit, especially if that outlet and its associated breaker isn't dedicated solely to those amps.  The manual says they draw 5.5 amps/120v, 6.6 amps/100v.  

Tubes seem very sensitive to ac quality and what you need is good power cable and a good power conditioner. 

I got weary of the day to day variable sound from tubed equipment and gave up. 

With all solid state now I have given up a bit of warmth and pleasant ambiance but have gained more detail and day to day consistent sound quality.