ultraRendu dropouts at DSD512 and 768kHz

I'm working on solving a problem, and not making the headway I'd like. 

I recently received an ultraRendu to use with Roon and HQPlayer as a network audio adaptor (NAA). I am having trouble with the music stuttering or dropping out, primarily at DSD512 and 768 kHz, which are the maximum specs for the ultraRendu. 

My setup currently is Apple M2 Ultra (Roon or HQPlayer) ---> (Gigabit Ethernet Switch (4 different types tried (both managed and unmanaged) ---> ultraRendu ----> Denafrips (Hermes DDC or Terminator 2). 


Has anyone dealt with this before, have any helpful insights, or can point to a forum where this problem is discuss in detail?




I had an issue with my OpticalRendu and I resolved it by moving my ROON Core server so that it was directly attached to my router. Great thing about the Rendu's is that they do not need to be connected to the music server.

I used to have my ROON Core on the slow side of my home network, on the PowerLine adapter part (using in-wall copper lines). The bandwidth on that part of my network was not able to keep up with the hi-res data that I was streaming. The issue was 100% reproducible using George Harrison's All Things Must Pass stream. Specifically a part of a song where George whistles. My music always got garbled a bit during that passage.

When I moved the ROON Core to the faster side of my network, the garbled sound on that passage went away.


DSD takes up a lot of bandwidth. +1 on making sure your core is wired to your router, not on Wifi, since it will take a lot of bandwidth in and out.

Also, make sure you are using USB 2.0 or better, not coax or optical anything between your streamer and DAC.

I use Roon to carefully eliminate bass modes and balance my two speakers, then my integrated's loudness control when appropriate.  

Discovered the issue. 

Sonore is having trouble with firmware version 2.9 working on all Denafrips models. I did an OTA update of 2.9 to make sure it was properly installed, and now the ultraRendu is completely unable to interface with the Denafrips. No music whatsoever. 

Customer support is trying to work with me to flash to 2.8, which I think means mailing out a new SD card. It’s going to take some time, and even then, I am not sure it’s going to work at the highest output settings (DSD 512 and 768 kHz).


I will report back when I know more.



Have you checked the Dena and HQ Player forums at Audiophile Style? They seem to have direct lines to customer support over there (at least I’ve seen for HQ, Lumen, and Roon).