Next step? Amp or Streamer or…

Hi - long time reader here - first real question for the group. Pretty content right now but know my Bluesound Node 2i with LPS is probably the weak link.  Amp is an older Eastern Electric M520 24 watt EL34 based. Speakers Omega CAM in a 12x14’ acoustically treated office. Been holding off as it seems the Streamer tech is changing quickly and prices accordingly. If/when I change thinking I’d want something with I2S out as I’m told it’s better…budget probably $2-3k. Virtual system recently updated - I welcome any input. Thanks




I'd ask what you are dissatisfied with.  Bass, output level, transparency?  What have you heard you liked that's better.

You may also be feeling an itch to change for the sake of changing.  Maybe it's time to seek out a new integrated instead and keep the Eastern Electric in rotation?

Thanks all for the thoughtful responses -  lots to think about.  Will post specific feedback shortly

@lalitk @ghdprentice Appreciate the specific and helpful streamer recommendations and thoughts on I2s. I will look to arrange in-home demos and report findings over the next few months 

@erik_squires Good question! I haven’t heard a lot of other systems recently given the Pandemic and really just getting back into two channel during that time after many years of only my modest home theater system and not having much time for dedicated music listening (I’m retired now however)

Back in the day some of the things that impressed me were Audio Research with Magenpans, a set of Quad electrostatics a friend had, and my LS3/5a’s with an old Dynaco ST70 (a system I regret selling…)

I’d have to say I value transparency, tone, and dimensionality/space. I have thought of bringing in another amp as suggested. The EE does a lot of things right, especially with some vintage tubes.  Maybe a SET? Will keep an eye on the used market and report any developments. 


I saw an anime which featured a Jazz cafe.  In it there were multiple tube amps on shelves being used in rotation and I thought to myself how wonderful it would be not to have to rate gear, but just rotate it in and out for fun and different experiences.

Of course, easier to do with modest powered tube gear than 60 lb. behemoths.