2-Way Advice: Magico S1,YG Carmal,Diablo Utopia

Guys I've been considering a speaker swap. Have found that I love 2-ways.

I didn't really know this until I started listening to different speakers and kept liking them more, much more than the fulls.

They present a different perspective that I prefer. I don't listen real loud and have a med size 2500 cubic foot room and I much prefer tight and accurate, faster more defined bass and don't need the real deep low stuff. I love how they image and disappear and make the music more alive to me. Listen to Jazz, Acoustic, Blues, mello rock, Indie, some classic, the usual phile stuff..

I have it boiled down to a few and really would love your opinions. Buying used and they are all over the country and just can't listen to all of them. I know listen first is best and would love to if I could. They are all within $500 of each other price wise with shipping to me.

Have you guys heard any of these and what you might think of these??

Magico S1 Black

YG Carmal 1 Silver

Focal Diablo Utopia III - Silver

Sonus Faber Guameri Momento

Langerton Configuration 217

Tannoy DC10A

Ascendo System F (Only non 2-way I'm considering)

Any info or feedback or recommendations would really be appreciated!!!

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
Take a listen to the Lawrence Violin speakers. Amazingly musical, especially given your music selection. They punch far above their weight class, IMO.
Ricred1 - I don't have any first hand experience with Scansonic speakers. I have read about their association with Raidho and many favorable comments about them mostly from show reports and comments on other forums. It looks like they have a handful of dealers in the US listed on their site http://www.scansonic.dk/international-contacts.6877.aspx.
The more I read different threads, the more I realize with SPEAKERS, more than any other component, must be heard by the individual. I've listened to Rockport and although I can hear why some my like them, I don't agree with their assessment of how they sound. Maybe I just heard them in a bad room or with bad equipment.
Im biased, since I owned the Carmels for well over a year. I have heard the Magico, Focal and SF. I don't think they are on the level of the Carmel. The Carmels with my BAT REX amps mono/or stereo was the most pleasing system I have had. When I added JLaudio subs Xed over at 35, perfection. Check the reviews on them. They are special. The prices for them used now are a steal.
"When I added JLaudio subs Xed over at 35, perfection. "

I asked GTT audio at Axpona about adding a subwoofer. They didn't care for the idea. I'm paraphrasing that they generally did not like the idea of contaminating the make-up of the speakers (im guessing specifically the crossover design) with a subwoofer. Their solution was of course the Hailey$. Nice guys, I'm sure, anyways. Their advice did not make sense, but its kind of nice to see someone with good taste like myself do well with a sub in the case I decide to get them.