Shout out to Revival Audio Atalante 3 speakers

Normally I’d write a long review of something as I never seem to keep it short. Right now I’m looking at over two pages of handwritten notes and can’t bring myself to put it all to pen, so to speak. Throw in images and links and it becomes a thing unto itself. And it’s sad to say I won’t for what deserves pages of accolades.

I will say this though: if you want a great all around speaker that’s eminently musical at the expense of nothing of import, then the Revival Audio Atalante 3 speaker should be at the top of you short list.

If you crave tone, body and soul, then listen to this speaker.
If you enjoy air, ambience, shimmer and decay, again, listen to this speaker.
If etch, shrillness and a hot top end bother you, no need to look elsewhere.
If the bottom octave is not of paramount importance but a strong mid and upper bass done realistically floats your boat, this will easily suffice.
If coherence and presence is a big deal for you, no need to ask for any more cards as you have a winning hand.
If a beautifully finished cabinet is important, one that harkens back to better days, then this will fit into any decor.
If pedigree matters, then rest assured that this is designed and assembled completely in France. Also, the designer has over 30 years designing speakers for Focal-JM Lab, Dynaudio and others. The drivers are unique to the brand and not off the shelf for other brands to use.
Finally, if price is a factor, these retail for only $2500 and if made by another company, would command multiples of it’s asking price, which I was told, is probably going to go up soon. One member who I’ve been communicating with told me they got 5 pallets of speakers in and they were all mostly accounted for and 5 pairs sold while he was at the dealer auditioning them (2 were of the larger 5 series).

Demand is so high that they came out with a less costly design (two models) to take up some of the slack and to spread the love to those of lessor pockets, which is admirable.

I can’t tell you how much I love these speakers but this should give you an idea: I no longer listen critically to anything anymore. I no longer crave this or that. I can listen at lower volumes and hear all I want or need to. These speakers emotionally connect with me and did so within the first few minutes of listening. There’s no more wind in my audio sails but if I had the money and the space, I’d give the Atalante 5 a serious listen and most likely get them.

Now I find most of the discussions here amusing, at best. Too many unicorns chased and nothing to show for it. Too many lost in search of that perfect tree when you have the whole forest to enjoy at any time and at any angle you wish, if you chose to. Time to choose.

All the best,




I sit about 8' from the plane of the speakers which are about 7' apart. I believe that qualifies as near field listening. They work wonderfully in that regard. 

All the best,

This thread is a bit old but I just received a pair of Atalante 3's that I picked up from The Music Room. My normal speakers are Cube Nenuphar Mini's V2. These are single driver, no crossover speakers that cost about 12k. I love them but single drivers sometimes beam higher frequencies that leads to sound coming right from the driver, like wearing headphones. Through careful positioning I've been able to get the Cube's to disappear but I've been wanting to try some standmount speakers in my room to see if the imaging can be better, and I may use them in another room as well.

I hadn't heard about these speakers and then saw a pair come up at The Music Room. I quickly did some research, including reading this thread, and decided to purchase them.

I received the speakers a couple days ago and dug out my sand filled Dynaudio stands, unhooked the Cube's and hooked up the Atalante 3's. My system right now is an Auralic Airies G1 streamer > Holo Audio May KTE Dac > Holo Audio Serene KTE preamp > Line Magnetic LM845 Premium amp. I also have a pair of REL S510 subs and a Project The Classic EVO turntable w/ Soundsmith Carmen MKII MI cartridge and Hegel V10 preamp.

Build quality on the Atalante's is very good. Simple "box" construction, but well finished and build quality is consistent with the price. The cabinet feels relatively solid. While not as fancy looking as the Sonus Faber Sonetto 2's that I tried a few months ago, I think the build quality here is better. Something about the SF's felt a bit cheap to me. They were very light for their size and seemed a bit hollow. The sound disappointed as well as it seemed a bit lifeless IMO. Not so with the Atalante 3's.

I've only listened for about 2-3 hours so far. I can see these are very well balanced speakers. Detail is very good and they have a nice lively sound but aren't bright. I haven't turned up the volume much as I've mainly listened while working in the evening. However, bass sounds full and very good texture for a speaker at this price. Imaging and soundstage are also very good so far. I haven't played much with location and my speakers are about 7-8' apart and about 8-9 feet from the listening sofa. They're about 2' out from the rear wall and one speaker has a side wall about 6' away, the other is open to the side, so they have some space to breath. The most I can say about the imaging is the speakers have disappeared in the room, which is what I struggle with a bit with the Cube's. I'm not really going to compare these with the Cube's as those cost significantly more and do sound better. However I will say these are very enjoyable and, like the Cubes, seem to do everything really well with nothing really standing out as "off" or as a major compromise. The biggest criticism I can give is while the tweeter is presenting very good detail and air, it may be just a touch edgy. However, that could be because I have primarily been listening to the Cube's for the last couple of years and their treble is very natural, open and refined. Not to say the Atalante's aren't, but they're just a slight step down in refinement. Again though, when thinking about some standmounts I've spent some time with (Sonetto 2's, KEF LS50 Meta, Usher 718BE, and Clearwave Duet 6 which uses Accuton ceramic drivers) the Atalante tweeter is amongst the best in that group. Considering the group consists of a berylium tweeter, a ceramic tweeter, and a concentric tweeter with some spaceage damping material, that's a compliment to the Atalante.

I'm going to keep these speakers in this room for a couple of weeks and I plan on giving them some time this weekend at some higher decibels to see how they do, but right now I'm thinking I scored a great deal on these and I initially concur with everything I had read about them.

@abd1 Nice take on your Atalante 3s. I used to own the Clearwave Duet 6s as well but feel the Atalnate 3s to be a nice step up from them. I used to have Tonian Labs TL-D1s and their clarity and see thru is very hard to beat. Saying that, I found the Clearwaves to have a darker presentation, like there's too much smoke in the venue. 

With the Atalantes, they have all the resolution and about 95% of the detail but just enough "smoke" to calm down the treble. Unlike your findings, I detect no abnormalities in the treble. No harshness, etch or anything that I would consider irritating, unless I turn the volume way up and then it's only SPL levels that get to me (being in a smallish room). It may all boil down to system synergy (I use a Technics SU-G700M2 and matching SACD player).

I completely agree with you on the balance of these speakers. You can tell they were designed by a person steeped in speaker design. They are the most unoffensive sounding speakers I've heard to date, and I mean that in a good way. Everything I play sounds good, to my ears, without the highlighting of certain qualities at the expense of others. 

Let them break in for a good time (about a month or so) and you may find them even more enjoyable. I related to the dealer how impressed I was after a week and he said to call him back after a month and then tell him what I thought. He was right. 😄

All the best,