Adjusting Infinity IRS servo controller

I got a request from @bobterry99 about adjusting Infinity servo controllers.  Inside the controller are 4 pots:

Left side level (amplitude)

Left side DC offset

Right side level (amplitude)

Right side DC offset

See the attached photo.  I used a 2 ch oscilloscope to monitor the input and output while adjusting.  With 4 ch, you could monitor both channels...



I had the IRS Gammas.  Sold them back in 2010.  I did a fair amount of work on the my servo controller plus another one (anybody remember Bobby Shred?), but since I am retired now I no longer have access to an electronics lab.

Is there anyone who can provide a copy of the settings/manual for the IRS servo amp. I have a Genesis 2 system and the amp should be checked out to insure it is performing properly. I figure that it may give some insight for myself and others. Does anyone know who made the amps or can service them properly? All help is appreciated.



Here are some pictures of the Genesis Servo amp and columns. There is no service procedures on the feedback to be found. You can see the 2 adjustment pots per channel on the board. Any ideas on test procedures for this??




I don't have any specific info on that Genesis servo, but based on my experience with the Infinity servo, I would suppose that one pot is gain and the other offset.  I adjusted mine for as close to zero dc bias as I could get and the the gain for unity.  You will have to try them to see which one does what.  You will also need access to an oscilloscope and probes.