Exciting! Can’t wait to hear!
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Just curious to hear everyone’s opinions on using an equalizer in a high end hi fi system. Was at work tonight and killing time and came across a Schitt Loki max $1500 Equalizer with some very good reviews. What are some of the pros / Benefits and cons in using one. Just curious. BTW. I’m talking about a top of the line. Hi end equalizer. Mostly to calm some high frequencies and some bad recordings.
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- 750 posts total
I use electronical equalization only for my modified headphone to reach nearer the Harman curve ... I equalize the headphone itself setting the EQ. once for all not the recordings ...I want to hear the recordings the more possible as it was intended bad or good , or not bad nor good as it is often the case through my headphone or speakers as i intended to design them first once for all by my modifications tailor made for my ears filters ... I use mechanical "equalization" for my speakers by varying the number of straws made of plastic or bamboo inserted and folded into one another varying then their volume and lenght from few inches to 2 feet out of the porthole of my speakers ... The tuning process is analogue to a piano tuning process by ears ... 😁 total complete transformation of the speakers on ALL ACOUSTIC FACTORS ...It change even the measured original specs from 80 hertz to under 50 hertz ...Tuba sound is gorgeous in Gabrieli music for brass ...I will not need a sub for my small acoustic room in near listening ... Each one of us has his needs and musical choices for sure ... I will not deliver a photo because some brain who ignore acoustic will mock me as a "tin foil hat" as it was the case in the past here ...😁 My post is to submit to the purist that the root of any equalization, analog or digital is grounded in Helmholtz mechanical work .... Even speakers are resonators ... My post is also that we audiophiles are not just subjectivist or objectivist fetichist, but we can also experiment with our ears/brain with basic acoustics concepts at no cost ... My system astoundingly good for his price cost for headphone+speakers+2 dac +1 amplifier a total of 700 bucks ...And each component is well chosen and well embedded mechanically electrically and acoustically ... ... I will not need an equalizer costing double the price of my system at all then to play with because i dont need one ...I equalize the gear once for all never the recordings ...
Then the right question is not about using or not using equalization... The right question is : where do come from the electrical/electronical process of equalization ? It comes from some hearing theory and from some mechanical experiments ...We must know that and learn that first ...And use it as experiment ... It is what i spoke about when i say that acoustics rule the gear not the reverse .... And our ears structure and working are part of the acoustics science by the way ...Knowing Fourier theory by reading the manual of an Eq. is not enough ...Because our ears/brain filters trained by his evolutive history biases work in his own non linear time real territory domain ...Not in the linear Fourier maps so useful are they technologically ...
Glad you started this thread as I wasn’t aware of the Mac unit. I have room modes causing some boom that available speaker placement options won’t cure. I’m curious about its utility as it seems to be in the ballpark as the JL Audio CR-1 and the recently discussed Charter Oaks units. All vs room correction. Anxiously waiting… |
@mahgister , I found your last post very interesting and informative as well. More than one way to skin a cat!
- 750 posts total